A Random Pattern

Wonder Woman (a Christmas letter in three parts: part two)

So some of you (well, one of you) accused me of leaving my better half out of the first part of the letter. Ha! You think I just forgot? That special lady gets a whole post to herself – more or less. ;)

So, what’s up with Sara? I’m not going to provide pictures for the moment, but let’s just say she apparently was inspired by my recent hair-coloring efforts.   Now I won’t tell the colors, but I can affirm that there is more than one.  Any guesses?

I’ve got to be quick, ‘cuz I’m supposed to be in bed.  So here’s the rest of the update in speed form, lest I never put it up: Sara has been working her butt off, taking Tessa to all manner of appointments and trying to keep up with both the girls (who are quite a handful right now).  She organized Tessa’s class party since she is the “class Mom” (and indeed, she is one classy Mom).  She baked a ton of cookies for the MOPS group Christmas cookie trade (some of you will reap the benefits from that shortly).  She’s been buying and painting and cleaning and shopping and – did I mention buying?  ;)

In short, she’s been taking care of her family, and sacrificing herself.  There aren’t words for how much I appreciate her, but I’ll try anyways.  Depending on how the lyrics end up, they may or may not get posted here.  :P

More to come soon – there’s still part three.  :D

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