I’ve been thinking about one of the fun little extras Steve Jobs showed off at WWDC not too long ago: The ability to replace backgrounds in iChat video chats. Here are some ideas that I’m sure someone will play around with as soon as Leopard is available:
- Wear a t-shirt that matches the background. Presto, there’s a hole in your stomach! (Don’t know if this will work, depends on how they implemented the algorithm.
- Take a screenshot with your head in the picture. Does your head now disappear?
- Create a fake background with yourself, then “walk in” on yourself while chatting with someone else.
Remember, folks, you heard it here first.
Here’s the site that gave me the idea, with a rundown on Leopard:
… In addition, a sophisticated chroma key algorithm was added so that a user can do a snapshot of the background he is chatting in front of, and it will remove the background and key in a background image or video of the user’s choice. For corporate presentations, podcasts or just plain having fun, this is a great feature. …
Update:Â Links to WWDC, the Leopard sneek peek iChat page, and a picture from Apple showing the new backdrop effect: