A Random Pattern

Other cool new links, technologies

Just some quick links for bloggers and tech hounds out there:

-Plogger, a photo gallery tool. I may experiment with it here on my blog, though it doesn’t sound like it has the ability to add other users who can upload photos / media.
-Zapr is still in beta, but looks like a nice tool if you need to send large files to other people. I often do, so I will probably review this app sometime soon.

-The review actually gives Windows Live Writer (also in beta) surprisingly good marks. It’s a tool for posting to blogs, and sounds like it’s got a lot of the features missing from everything else.

-Interested in Content Management Systems? Here are some guidelines on how to pick a CMS.

-As I’ve become more interested in Design, I’ve noticed the difficulty in getting my company to acknowledge the need for this type of role. The problem, at least with the people I work closest with, is that this type of role is still not well enough known or valued. Here’s an article on how design is becoming part of some company strategies.

-Ok, this software virtualization thing will be a little hard to describe unless you’re pretty hardcore geek. Here’s the basic idea: if you download and try lots of windows software, only to end up not using 2/3 of it and having problems with finding the other 1/3, this is one tool to help. It DOES NOT GUARANTEE PROTECTION from spyware, but for regular apps it will let you install them, and later remove them, without your Windows PC (registry, et all) getting bloated, slow, and troublesome. Cool, huh?

2 Responses to “Other cool new links, technologies”

  1. Mick Says:

    Hey, the best thing about Zapr is that you can share folders too. And you can share with someone without making them register or download anything.

    Of course, I’m a bit biased.

    Let us know what you think.


  2. stephen.christopher Says:

    Thanks for pointing that out. Now that I think about it, that is quite a bit different, and there’s some cool stuff you could do with that. I’ll give it a try. It’ll be really nice when the private option is built in. Though I understand why you wouldn’t want to do that first when building out a network.

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