A Random Pattern

Archive for the 'Pictures / Audio / Video' Category

Tentative Novel Cover

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009
"Oceans Die" Book Cover with author Stephen Christopher

"Oceans Die" Book Cover with author Stephen Christopher

Thanks to the generous pennythepants who is making covers for many happy novel writers over in the NaNo Artisans forums.  She(?) made me this lovely cover, which is encouragement as I struggle through the last 15K or so of my novel.

I’m officially one of many NaNoWriMo ‘winners’, which means I wrote 50,000 words in 30 days.  However, my story isn’t finished.  In some ways it is just getting started.  Right now I’ve set a goal to write the ending by December 19th.  After that, I will worry about the second draft… (*shudder*)

Beautiful Video Ad

Friday, June 15th, 2007

Apple should hire these guys – this video is more beautiful than the iPod ads.   Check it out here:


I have never been too interested in “The Big Apple”.  I don’t like cities, but I do like people.  This unofficial ad for the iPhone made me, for the first time, really see the appeal in New York, New York.  It is truly an inspired work of art.

It helps that I want an iPhone also.

New Baby on the way

Friday, June 8th, 2007

Only 18 weeks and she’s already sucking her thumb. Amazing, in’it?

Family and friends, there are more pictures online of the girls and our recent vacation. Contact me if you want to see them. :)

5 Reasons God Exists, or Philosophy of Religion

Saturday, May 26th, 2007

You can intelligently disagree with the points made in the following YouTube video (or even intelligently agree). If so, we can have a great discussion. But if you don’t understand the arguments tendered, or aren’t familiar with the quoted sources, then you have no room to snub “christians” as ignorant.

Which point do you disagree with most, or find the least compelling? Why?

How to throw a temper tantrum

Wednesday, May 16th, 2007

Step 1: make sure you have an audience. Learn from the master – watch this:

I suppose now is a good time to note: that’s not my kid, just a hilarious video Sara found online.

Just saying Hi

Tuesday, November 21st, 2006


So . .. yeah.  Kind of overdue for an update around here.  This is just a quick note to let you know that I haven’t disappeared or been eaten by a giant purple monster or anything like that.  Updates are coming . . . sometime.  It’s holiday season, though, so don’t expect a return to daily updates for a while.  :)

Quick weblink of the day: new dream vacation location (here’s a video from Plitvicka Jezera National Park in Croatia) – and yes, I would like that print for Christmas!

Fans of incredible machines, Lemmings (the game), and falling dominoes

Saturday, October 21st, 2006

This compilation of japanese advertisements is somewhat mesmerizing. There are some pretty impressive little mechanical tricks pulled off.

Quick Geography lesson Fun

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Watch this neat little video blast from the past as the Animaniacs take us on a quick tour of the world:

Oh, and go to this Google Map of Belgium to see where I was last week.

Sorry for the startling lack of content. I haven’t been sleeping much, so when that gets back to normal so will my posts. I’m traveling again a little this week, but hope for a chance to recover after that.

Snakes on a Plane. Samuel Jackson calling whoever you want.

Tuesday, August 22nd, 2006

I’m surprised I haven’t seen more about this on the internet – maybe I missed it. Anyways, this is funny and disturbing at the same time. Have Samuel Jackson call someone you know. Enjoy. And don’t worry, you get to preview before you send it.

Ubuntu Screenshot from a Game

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Here’s a screenshot from one of the games I tried when I first installed Ubuntu. The first thing you have to do is try the games, right? ;)


“Simply remove all Bubbles by the creation of unicolor triplets.” (Snicker) That’s why I love geeks. My wife told me recently that my whole blog since I switched to Ubuntu sounds like that….I took the feedback to heart, though I’ll probably need continual reminding (I love you Honey!).